Farewell Beach Party
Let’s celebrate the fantastic season we had together as folks begin to head home!

Chili Cook Off
Get your secret chili recipe out and enter into the contest, or just come taste test! Talk to the activities office to be included in the event. The cook off will be in the clubhouse.
SkyMed Lunch
Come to the clubhouse for information about SkyMed’s emergency travel evacuation membership plan. Find more information at www.skymed.com. Lunch will be provided.

Young Kidz Musical Variety Show
Doors open at 6:30 PM! Tickets are $10 before or $15 at the door.

Yard Sale, Bake Sale & Craft Sale
Need something? Want to get rid of something? Put your yard sailing things out and join the fun! The yard sale will be on your site. The bake sale and craft sale will in the clubhouse.

Come to the clubhouse and enjoy making this week’s craft! Whether it’s wire wrapped jewelry, string art, paint and sip or another craft, you’re sure to enjoy! Check the flyer in the clubhouse for information about what this week’s craft.

Open House at #145 with FREE Coffee & Pastries
Come to #145 and enjoy FREE coffee and pastries! Take a look at our newest River Home and see what you think — no pressure sales. Just tell us what you like about it or how it could be better!

Barry Ward live performance
Get your tickets from the activities office! $10 tickets in advance or $15 at the door! This is sure to be a good time.

Ducky Derby
Sponsor a duck for $5.00 | You can win $150 for first place, $100 for second and $50 for third. Purchase your sponsorship at the front office or through the activities department personnel. Sign up sheets are in the clubhouse. We will have hot dogs, beverages, and baked goods available on the beach. This event is to benefit the Ehrenberg Elementary School 8th Grade Class, so sponsor a duck or two and enjoy the race.

Open House at #145 with FREE Coffee & Pastries
Come to #145 and enjoy FREE coffee and pastries! Take a look at our newest River Home and see what you think — no pressure sales. Just tell us what you like about it or how it could be better!

Open House at #145 with FREE Coffee & Pastries
Come to #145 and enjoy FREE coffee and pastries! Take a look at our newest River Home and see what you think — no pressure sales. Just tell us what you like about it or how it could be better!

Valentines Day Dinner
This is sure to be a fun night celebrating love and good times! $25 per couple or $12.50 per single for a delicious dinner!
Valentine's day is a day to express your love. What better way than a dinner and dance party. Bring that special person in your life or come and enjoy the evening as a single. We will need couples to volunteer to be contestants in our "Oldie Wed" Games (you don't have to be married or maybe you won't be for long after this game). We will have music, prizes, dancing, roses for the ladies, champagne toast, etc.

Mexico Trip
Enjoy a trip to Mexico! It’ll be a ton of fun. Talk to Craig Rushton for details!

Ferris Neon live performance!
Farris Neon aka Aaron Gorton provides lively music and good old time rock and roll. A singer-songwriter from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Aaron has been creating music, locally and nationally, for over 17 years. His musical repertoire is rated very highly. This will be a fun event with live music and lots of dancing. Come and enjoy the evening with us. Tickets on sale now for $7.50/ticket in advance or $10.00 at the door.

Open House at #145 with FREE Coffee & Pastries
Come to #145 and enjoy FREE coffee and pastries! Take a look at our newest River Home and see what you think — no pressure sales. Just tell us what you like about it or how it could be better!

Blue Water Casino
On Wednesday, February 5, 2020 we will be going to the Blue Water Resort & Casino in Parker, AZ. We have made arrangements with the Casino for free transportation. When you get to the Casino they will give you $10.00 in slot credit just for signing up for the club card (no cost to you). When you buy $20.00 credit, they will add another $10.00. Come try your luck. We need to get 10 people in order to reserve the shuttle for our group. Sign up now - maximum capacity of shuttle is 24 people. We will meet at 9:00 AM in the upper parking lot.

Super bowl party!
Enjoy watching the Super Bowl at the clubhouse — bring a snack to share and your drink of choice!

Open House at #145 with FREE Coffee & Pastries
Come to #145 and enjoy FREE coffee and pastries! Take a look at our newest River Home and see what you think — no pressure sales. Just tell us what you like about it or how it could be better!

Yard Sale, Bake Sale & Craft Sale
Need something? Want to get rid of something? Put your yard sailing things out and join the fun! The yard sale will be on your site. The bake sale and craft sale will in the clubhouse.